The historic influx of funding available to municipal and private sector clients through the infrastructure and economic stimulus programs might induce decision paralysis when it comes to applying for funds. Coupled with additional increased support in growth sectors such as broadband and electric vehicle infrastructure, it can be difficult to prioritize projects and grant applications while avoiding strain on administrative capacity. Yet it is critically important to take advantage of this plethora of opportunities to accomplish infrastructure, economic development, and quality of life projects for the community.
Pennoni offers grant writing services and grant administration assistance as an integral part of our multidisciplinary engineering and planning expertise. We work closely with clients to identify, vet and ultimately apply for grant funding to augment the project budget. Successful grant writing requires technical writing, sketches and cost estimating expertise to cue the granting agency on how the proposed project will satisfy its funding program goals. Post-award, Pennoni’s project managers have the know-how to properly provide the data and documentation required for funding draw-down, reporting, and auditing.
In 2021, our grant writing efforts helped lead our clients to $25 million+ in grant success for their projects. In recent years, Pennoni has facilitated upwards of $250 million in grant funding for our clients, including $45 million in transportation funding, $130 million for water/wastewater projects, and $15 million for flood mitigation/stormwater. Other grants have provided funding to accomplish planning, parks and recreation, environmental remediation, energy projects, and more.
Pennoni’s technical and grant writing staff has experience in writing and managing grant-related projects funded by:
- USDA Water & Waste Disposal grant/loan
- Community Revitalization, HUD, and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG)
- Brownfield Redevelopment Grants
- Environmental Remediation State Revolving Funds
- Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF) and Clean Water State Revolving Funds (CWSRF)
- State Flood Mitigation/Watershed Restoration Grants
- State Park Rehabilitation & Development Grants
- Trails and Open Space Grants
- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants
- Recycling Program Grants
- Municipal Water and Wastewater Planning Grants
- Surface Water Project Planning Grants
- Stormwater Management Credits
- EDA Economic Development Grants
- State and Regional Transportation Grants (CMAQ, Multimodal Transportation Fund, Transit Oriented Development, Transportation Alternative) Planning Grants
For more information on grants, contact Elaine Finn.