
Compound the Rewards with Pennoni’s Grant Services for Project Funding

Infrastructure grants return three times their award amount in community economic investment, according to conventional wisdom founded in a 2014 University of Maryland study. More than simply filling a project budget gap, grant funding is an economic investment in communities where we live and work.

Further analysis* reveals that

  • Each $100 spent on infrastructure boosts private-sector output by an average of $17 long term
  • A national investment of $82 billion in water infrastructure would result in over $220 billion in total annual economic activity, generating and sustaining 1.3 million jobs over 10 years

Infrastructure funding is at an all-time high, making it more important than ever to find a grant writing partner with strong experience to help you prepare thorough, competitive grant applications. Over the years, Pennoni has assisted clients in securing more than $250 million in grant awards. Our technical staff works in concert with an in-house, nationally certified grant writing professional to deliver a grant application that tells the story of your community.

We work closely with our clients to weave the engineering details, demographic data, and your unique story into a compelling application that stands out to grant-making agencies.

A successful grant pays dividends far beyond the immediate benefits of project-related job opportunity or construction procurement that boosts local business revenue. By funding projects that otherwise would be impossible to support solely through local tax revenue, grants make possible:

  • Streetscaping curb appeal that tips a local business corridor from distressed to desirable
  • Trails or bandstands at a redesigned community park that bump housing values in the vicinity
  • Water treatment plant upgrades allowing a local manufacturer to diversify and expand
  • Flood control reducing disaster damage while also keeping merchants open for business in the aftermath of an event

Whether roads, bridges, water/wastewater, broadband and another infrastructure project, we can find the grant opportunity and deliver a convincing funding request to bring long-term growth to your community.

*For more detail on grant award ROI analysis, or to discuss funding opportunities for your project, contact Pennoni’s Grant Writer and Funding Solutions Manager Elaine Finn.


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