
Fall 2017 Perspective: The Innovation Issue

Technology and innovation continue to change the way services are provided in the evolving A/E/C industry. And the way we market these services is no exception to that change. New and exciting methods of content distribution, including websites and social media, provide a channel for Pennoni to be recognized as thought leaders in the industry. 

We continually strive to find new ways to publish content that accurately reflects the work we are doing, and our Summer 2017 issue of Perspective serves as a perfect example of that. The previous issue was our very first to be launched fully digital and hosted by an online platform. Complete with motion graphics and sounds, improved distribution and analytics, and the ability to be optimized for all major mobile platforms, this interactive magazine is a catalyst to making the Pennoni brand an innovative force in our industry. As we move forward with our Fall 2017 issue and beyond, we’ll look to focus our issues on a specific theme or topic, starting with “Innovation”. From the topic of Smart Cities, to the largest concrete pours ever in the City of Philadelphia, to providing clean water to a small village in Nepal, these articles aim to provide value to our new and existing clients, encourage the professional growth of our staff, and help us gain competitive advantages in our industry.

Please enjoy the newsletter by following the link below. Be sure your sound is on to receive the full experience!

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