
Recovery Act Funding for Higher Ed

The latest round of funding from the U.S. Department of Education for COVID-19 response offers higher education clients a unique opportunity to upgrade mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP), industrial hygiene and energy infrastructure, as well as address cleaning and sanitation to protect against illness. The institutional funding allocated under the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) can be used for minor renovation, upgrades, and services to meet these needs. In addition, HEERF funding can be paired with other sources to support these project needs. Pennoni has provided services for a number of projects that fall under these categories:

MEP | Community College of Philadelphia (CCP)

Pennoni’s industrial hygienists conducted pre-renovation air monitoring for respirable dust concentrations in each work area before duct cleaning preparation work began and prepared a report documenting the results of the pre-renovation air monitoring. In addition to duct cleaning, this project also provided HVAC construction work, repair and maintenance and determined if the ventilation system was operating adequately and providing the proper amount of air changes per hour recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).​

Industrial Hygiene | Montgomery County Community College

Pennoni worked with The Office of Facilities to develop and carry out a COVID response plan for the College. As part of the plan, Pennoni provided oversight and testing for cleaning and disinfection, air quality testing,  health screening and contact tracing.

Additionally under this contract, Pennoni provided an analysis of physical barrier placements and respirator fit testing services, and developed building re-occupancy plans.


Energy | Louisiana State University (LSU)

Working with the global accounting firm KPMG,  this two-phase project involves the assessment of LSU’s central utility plant, which provides electricity, chilled water, and steam to nearly 150 buildings across LSU’s main campus, and recommendations for improvement. The effort includes analysis of utility and building automation system data, review of maintenance practices, and development of a “roadmap” for the future. Pennoni’s Utilities Watch platform will likely be utilized for ongoing data collection and monitoring.

Our goal is simple. Assist our clients in determining the best use of Federal funds, provide the necessary services to get the job done, and see that their facilities are equipped to provide the best opportunities for staff and students in a healthy and safe environment.


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